Baby Games for 2 month olds (Little Dancer)

Difficulty: 3/5
Time: 3 mins
Development Goal: Routine exercise of four limbs increases the baby’s strength and flexibility, preparing for flipping over and crawling.
Personality Goal: Good motor skills, brings a happier baby, thus a sociable and self-controlled one.
Preparation: Song that is slightly fast but not too violent
How to play: While baby is awake, play the music to catch his attention. Raise baby’s hands or legs along with the rhythm, while singing the song. Be careful not to choose songs that are more than 5 minutes as this may tire the baby.
Daddy’s participation: Say “Up the lift, Up Up Up! Down the Lift, Down Down Down!” When saying “Up”, lift the hands up. When saying “Down”, bring the hands down. Do it for the other parts of the body. Sing the same tune every time you play this game. Lastly, lift baby up and bring put him down. Then kiss him gently on the cheeks.